Women’s Bible Study

Women's study meets the First & Third Thursday of each month.

Men’s Bible Study

Men's study meets on the Second & Fourth Wednesday of each month from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM.

Anywhere Library!

Anywhere Library brings library services on the road to Allyn. You can obtain a library card, borrow and return books, pick up library holds, and they offer activities and story hour for children.

Anywhere Library!

Anywhere Library brings library services on the road to Allyn. You can obtain a library card, borrow and return books, pick up library holds, and they offer activities and story hour for children.

ECW Annual Holiday Bazaar

Holiday gifts and goodies for sale at our annual Holiday Bazaar. All proceeds are donated to local charitable organizations in our community.

Anywhere Library!

Anywhere Library brings library services on the road to Allyn. You can obtain a library card, borrow and return books, pick up library holds, and they offer activities and story hour for children.

Anywhere Library!

Anywhere Library brings library services on the road to Allyn. You can obtain a library card, borrow and return books, pick up library holds, and they offer activities and story hour for children.